Moving into 2019
As well as our regular weekly activities there is a CPR course at the Community Centre on February 6 - registration required, no charge.
On Friday Feb. 8 Soup and Sandwich lunch will be paid for by PVS for participants in the Falls Avoidance workshop/clinic.
Next Lunch Club: Feb 11 - There will be some changes for the Lunch Club with PVS providing a $2.00 subsidy to participating members. [There is also a credit towards the next lunch on the books for those who participated in the Brunch at The Station.] When booking you will have a code to use when registering on line, or to tell the front desk. It will be advised when information is sent about the next lunch.
Choir practices continue on 1st and 3rd Fridays at The Rec.
The Movie Matinee on Feb. 14th at noon at the Rec. will be showing - The Kings Speech.
The Church on the Hill have invited members as guests to a Valentine's dinner on Sat. Feb. 16. for seniors. RSVP Ruth Fogarty- remember to let her know if, after accepting the invitation, you find you are unable to attend so that others on the waiting list can attend.
On the 16th, the Community Centre will be holding a Family Open Day. The Legion will be holding another dinner on Feb. 22 at 6:00 p.m. $13 for seniors $15 for others.
Feb. 28 the painting group will be taking a painting/drawing lesson from renowned local artist and member - Isobel McLaurin. She would like to take another class in the future of people who have never drawn before. This is your opportunity to discover an unknown talent... more information to come later.
NOTE re FUTURE MOVIE MATINEES: Maddy has scheduled: 12 pm Thursday March 14th - Notting Hill AND 12 pm Thursday April 11 - A Beautiful Mind
Posted: Saturday, February 02, 2019