2013 In Review
In 2013 Vancouver Coastal together with the Community Centre and
Pemberton Valley Seniors Society continued to offer regular weekly
exercise programs, carpet bowling, painting, arts and crafts as
well as opportunities to pay bridge and other games. While
every Wednesday morning seniors time at the library provided
opportunities for staff to assist with library information as well
as host occasional film showings, invited speakers and computer and
tablet instruction. Friday morning drop in at The Rec
has been slow to get established but we continue to encourage
members to use this facility as a gathering place, to use the Wii
game set up or take advantage of the snooker table.
During the year we car pooled to Movie Matinees and enjoy a
variety of monthly activities. "Bowling For Life"
Luncheons are very popular as we joined together with our Mount
Currie neighbours either at Ullus or the Pemberton Community Centre
for carpet bowling and Wii games after the lunch. The legion
continued to help us put on a Monthly Pot Luck, again subsidized
with a main course provided through Vancouver Coastal Health.
One that particularly stands out was held in October when we
celebrated Baby May's imminent arrival. We have been
delighted to share with Lindsay her excitement as she awaits the
new arrival. Sadly, it also means we shall soon be losing her
to motherhood when she leaves VCH in December. We can,
however, look forward to seeing her regularly as she will be
continuing the bi-weekly exercise program.
Gretchen arranged for a variety of paintings from the painting group to be hung for a period of time at the Medical Centre and in the Swiss Deli.
On April 10th we held our Annual General Meeting in the Great Hall and for the first time we combined it with a lunch which resulted in a much large number of members taking part in the decision making.
Monthly Lunch Club subsidized by Vancouver Coast Health started up in March when we took the Set Go bus to Whistler for a most popular repeat event - High Tea at the Fairmont.
Thanks again to David Perfitt and Telus' matching donation to support of the Set Go bus. Later in April, The Pony Restaurant served a delicious lunch and dessert which was also very well attended.
We joined in celebrating the presentation of the Queens Diamond Jubilee medal to Marnie Simon recognizing the multiple volunteer roles she has held in the community.
Also In May we were invited to a special E-Books and How to Use them presentation was both interesting and helpful
We particularly enjoyed the Lunch and Garden Party at Lindsay and Shayne's this month and were especially honoured when they chose the occasion to make their first public announcement of the pending arrival of their first child. Later this month we submitted a New Horizons for Seniors Grant request intended to provide improvements at the Lions Villa but learned in late October that it would be denied as it was not seen to fulfill all the eligibility requirements
We took the Set Go bus to lunch at the Lakeside Grill (set up for the summer) and enjoyed a picnic overlooking Gates Lake and celebrated Marion's birthday too! Later this month we took the Set-Go bus to the 6th Annual Lillooet Apricot Tsaqwem Festival. We enjoyed a variety of activities including a quilt show; the performance of the coyote dance and drumming; buying produce at the market stalls and some of us were invited to pick fresh apricots.
During the summer months we did not hold Pot Luck lunches but many of us enjoyed meeting for Tea and Tales at the Museum every Tuesday afternoon and in the fall supported the Museum Fund raiser donating one of the most popular baskets for the auction.
Diners club met at the Meadows Golf Club beside Pemberton Airport. The weather was mediocre but the soup to start was fabulous and Lindsay brought her ultrasound photos for everyone to see, which were a hit.
Peggy and Bill Perfitt hosted a delicious lunch at their home in D'arcy. We could stroll around their garden, pick grapes and take home delicious tomatoes. We also enjoyed strolling along the lake shore and seeing signs of returning salmon.
After lunch Ann Robertson showed us around her community and garden as well, we admired Ian's carvings of bears and other animals in the forest. Altogether a wonderful day!
Ian Roberts carvings - Anderson Lake Nel and Tony Van Loon's Hurley Road
Many of us also enjoy the Fall Fair at the museum; the basket we donated for their annual fund raising dinner proved very popular at the silent auction. Hugh and Judy Bouris put on a Stained Glass workshop for us at their Glass shop in Birken. On the 19th we had a large turn out for a lunch at the Van Loons home at the end of the Pemberton Valley. The lunch was enjoyed in and outside the house, before we strolled around to admire the garden and accept gifts of tomatoes and vegetables to take home.
Lindsay organized a visit to the Whistler Brewery which included lunch, samplings of their product and a tour of the brewers mash kettles and storage area. This trip was particularly enjoyed by the menfolk as were the trips to the Perfitts and Van Loons in September.
This month we activzted the <pembertonseniors.com> website. A major vote of thanks to Roy McClean who donated the many hours worked by his company Custom Fit Online Solutions to create a website that works for us. Check it out and see this newsletter on line, it includes some different photos and better yet you can share it with friends and family; may be they will enjoy seeing what you have been up to this year.
Set Go Bush to Squamish created some excitement as the bus broke down..... lunch at the Two Birds lasted somewhat longer than planned but by all accounts a good time was had by all. Later in the month an unscheduled stop was in Squamish prompted by a major road closure and cancellation of the planned day in Vancouver at the Christmas Market. Our Pot Luck was turned into a baby shower for Lindsay with decorations and treats supplied by Carmen and Rolande it was a very special occasion.
At our last Pot Luck of the year we recognized Lindsay's imminent resignation and thank her for the exceptional work she has done with us over the last few years.
Saturday, Nov. 30 - The Lions Club once again hosts a special Seniors Christmas Dinner for 65 and overs from Pemberton and Area C putting us into the Christmas Spirit. We appreciated the many volunteers from the Lions, the legion for providing a locale, the choral group and sing along led by Anita Burleson. The generosity of the community is truly amazing.
Dec. 4 Bowling For Life Christmas Lunch was very well attended with participants coming from Whistler, Mt. Currie, D'arcy and the Valley and all points in between. Following a delicious lunch our celebration included Wii and Carpet bowling as well as card making activities. Diverse community leaders joined together to make this afternoon a success and we thank them.
December 7th
Lunch at Drumkeeran - David and Maureen have hosted our members to a very special lunch at their hide away on Ivy Lake for a few years now and this one is no different. The crew headed up the hill on the Set Go Bus and in their own vehicles with much anticipation of celebrations in the traditional manner. Crackers and hats and delicious Christmas scents greet us as David and Maureen greet us. A very special event for us all. Pictures from 2011
Lindsay's last day is Friday, December 13, 2013... indeed showing that 13 is an unlucky number for some. You will be missed, Lindsay, but never forgotten and we hope never too far from spending some time with us. Thanks for the memories, Lindsay.
Posted: Monday, November 25, 2013