Spring Update
Pemberton Valley Seniors Society
AGM April 22nd 2016
2015 Year in review - Report from the
The past year has been an eventful one for the members of the
Pemberton Valley Seniors Society and the death of two long time
members Shirley Ellingson in March and Bill Perfitt in
April this year saddened us all. They are missed but not
forgotten. Both Shirley and Bill will be remembered for their
kindness and generosity and unfailing good humour. Hazel and Irene,
two of our older members fell and broke their hips. Both are
recovering well. Marion, Hazel's Wii bowling partner is now living
at Hilltop House in Squamish.
Activities :The regular activities - fitness classes, walks,
yoga/Zumba, tech time, painting classes and weekly brown bag lunch
meetings and jam session for the PVMS and our end of the month Pot
Luck lunch kept us all busy throughout the year. Thank you to Fran
Hopkins, Vancouver Coastal Seniors coordinator for publishing the
calendar and for coordinating the popular Diners' Club and Health
Talks and assisting and caring for us in so many ways.
Unfortunately, Fran is leaving us at the end of the month. We will
certainly miss her.
Highlights: Art and Bowling for Life was a monthly treat and
provided the opportunity to interact with our neighbours from Mt.
Currie. Art & lunch at the Raven B&B, lunch with
Peggy and Bill at Anderson Lake to view the salmon run was a
special treat (sadly our last). We attended interesting workshops
on Estate Planning and Wills and Scams and Frauds. The Xmas
festivities started early with a Xmas Diner's club lunch at
the Duhb Linn Gate Inn, a wonderful Xmas dinner hosted by
the Pemberton Lion's at the Legion and PVSS Xmas luncheon on
Members gathered for soup/sandwiches and a movie at The Rec.
Centre, a new social event for seniors.
Flea Markets: The Flea market committee of Carmen, Gail &
Rolande with the help of a number of volunteers held three very
successful Flea Markets during the summer. Carmen, John and Jim
entertained the shoppers with their karaoke singing. Thank you to
all who participated in this fundraiser for PVSS.
Grants: PVSS was successful in obtaining a number of grants
for the PVMS program. All but the new $10,000
grant from the Squamish Savings and portion of the grant
from our MP's 2015 budget have been discharged and the
required reports submitted. The VOP applied on behalf of PVSS and
administered the UBCM grant for $20,000. New Horizons for Seniors,
$12,000, Vancouver Coastal $8,000 and $5,000 from our MP Jordan
Sturdy were the other grants PVSS received. We received grants from
the Health Care Foundation both in 2015 and 2016 to support the
Men's Shed and Art & Bowling for Life programs plus an
additional $2,000 from the Pemberton Music Festival Community
fund. The SLRD has graciously extended our free use of
seniors/youth centre for a second year.
Men's Shed and Tool Library - The Men's Shed and Tool Library
continue to grow their membership. Derek will provide a full report
on their activities.
Sea to Sky Seniors Issues Advocacy Activities: Ongoing work
to meet health and transportation and housing needs of corridor
seniors is progressing slowly on a number of fronts. Over the last
couple of months representatives from the boards of the seniors
groups in Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton have met to discuss
developing an alliance between our three organizations (Sea to Sky
Seniors Alliance group). This would enable us to advocate for
seniors needs from a position of greater strength than as
individual organizations. We have met to develop terms of reference
with the Sea to Sky Community Services who will be our "umbrella
organization" and will enable us to apply for grant money and
facilitate access to services. The Seniors Resource Magazine a free
publication partially funded by the Alliance partners will be
available later this month.
I thank you all for your support this past year and anticipate an
exciting year ahead for PVSS.
Prepared by Marnie Simon - President PVSS
Posted: Sunday, May 01, 2016