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50 + Activities Club/ Calendar updates

The Organizational Structure for PVSS - 2016  includes plans to increase the number of activities that might appeal to our age 50-65+ members. Judith Walton has volunteered to spear head this goal and would welcome 2 or 3 more members to work with her.  The focus of our advertising with be to highlight 50 + Activities Club.  

Our calendar will be seeing some changes as we lose the hours of support Frances Hopkins, Vancouver Coastal Health has provided until now. We wish her well in her new full time position and will really miss the many things she does for us behind the scenes. We have also said farewell and thank you to our fitness instructor, Janice McCarthy and will be looking for a replacement to start in September.  Meanwhile, the current participants plan to continue meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30-11:30 a.m. - reminder - there must be at least two members present for safety reasons - please sign in and put $2.00 in the maintenance fund.

Thanks to the continued support of the Pemberton Health Foundation, a 2016 grant of $3000 will enable us to continue the monthly Art and Bowling for Life activities/lunches for the remainder of the year.  We thank them too for the grant to the Men's Shed for a further $2000 that together with a grant from Squamish Savings will keep the tool library and Men's Shed activities going.  

There will be a planning meeting on Wednesday, May 4 at 10:00 a.m. at The Rec for those interested in getting a drop in Soup and a movie program going.  Bring your recipes and ideas to share. 

The Pemberton Valley Men's Shed group is having a "men's only" social evening Tuesday, May 10, 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm at the "REC", this is the small building immediately behind the Main Recreation Centre. They plan to play some Cribbage / Pool / Bocce….. it's all very informal just drop in, there will be coffee & tea available - but no meal, if you choose you can contribute a small dessert or some snacks to share on a pot-luck basis but it's certainly not a requirement.


Posted: Sunday, May 01, 2016