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Fall Activities

Over the summer we welcomed some new members: Glenys Livsey, Susan Collins, Trudy Rovatti, Pippa Hodge and Toddi Darbyshire who helped to raise our membership to 92. We look forward to their participation in a variety of activities.

Last month many of us enjoyed an outing to Peggy's place in D'arcy.  The sun shone and the wiener roast / pot luck was great fun.  Harvesting grapes and tomatoes from Peggy's and her neighbours gardens' along with the added gift of pears from Stewardship Pemberton meant no one went home empty handed. Thank you Peggy and your friends and family, especially Sabine for once again hosting this event.

Other recent activities included our Yard Sale Fundraiser at the Villas - we thank all those who so generously donated and worked to help make this a success.  Many of us found bargains as we sorted for the sale - ultimate success was measured in the deposit of $393.25 towards events and many happy smiles from our customers.

On Tuesday, October 10 we will be celebrating Hazel's 101st Birthday with a lunch at the Pony restaurant.  Hazel continues to enjoy playing cribbage, outings to Diners Club lunches and Legion Dinners as well as our own Pot Lucks; her smiles light up our days.  Later the same week she will be joining us for Diners Club which will be at The Station restaurant, now under new ownership.

Yet to come in October are our Pot Luck and an Oktoberfest Lunch put on by the seniors in Whistler on Oct. 27.

Regular weekly activites started up again in September.  We are thankful to Michelle Nelson for always keeping our Fitness Classes interesting and challenging.  To Gretchen, our painting group owe a vote of thanks for keeping our interest and challenging us both in watercolour and acrylic classes.  Some of you may have notice the Shades of Grey Group's paintings along with Gretchen's at such locations as the Medical Centre, the Dentists, Grimm's and The Station restaurants.


Posted: Monday, October 09, 2017