Pemberton Valley Men's Shed/Pemberton Tool Library
The PVSS recognizes the wonderful success of the Tool Lending Library and the Men's Group but acknowledges that the mandate for the PVMS has grown in a different direction to that of the PVSS. To that end discussions between the two executives have led to a decision to form a separate Men's Shed Society.
From inception in 2015 the PVMS has operated with a great degree of autonomy, keeping a separate bank account, inventory etc. so as they formed their own society, the transition was not complicated. The final break will take place in April after the PVSS Annual Meeting and on the anniversary date of our insurance policies
Going forward we see the two groups remaining friendly and supportive of each other. To this end PVMSS has set the rates for the 2017 and will continue to offer the same $20 Tool Library membership to PVSS members.
Posted: Friday, March 10, 2017