Mid Year Update
Some other successful events include a visit to the Lil'Wat Squamish Cultural Centre in Whistler where we learned about our First National neighbours and practiced some of their crafts as well as enjoyed a tasty lunch of traditional food. Diners Club at the Portage Station restaurant was enjoyed be many members in April.
Gen. from the library presented a Safety on the Internet talk and shared a lot of useful reminders about talking to people on the phone and guarding our personal information. She is available for one on one computer help by booking time at the library. Once a month we schedule Tech time for an hour for us to get together and help each other and we can call on Library Staff at that time too. This program will move from Wed. to the third Monday of the month to fit better with Library staff schedule.
Recently, we were invited to participate in the 'Give it a Try Games' which was a great opportunity to learn more about and in some cases experience for the first time: Pickle Ball, Carpet Bowling, Badminton, Table Tennis - volunteers from the Provincial 55+ Games spent the day with us so we could enjoy hands on activities with expert guidance. After the games, we enjoyed a delicious lunch after which participants could chose T shirt, book or hat to put in the tote bag along with the Certificate of Participation. We were encouraged to learn more about volunteering or participating in the provincial games which will be in Kelowna next year.
We also said farewell to our long time member Flo Bilenduk who has moved to Alberta. The Museum sponsored a special afternoon tea to give us a chance to say farewell and thank her for all the volunteer work she has done in our community. Her new contact information is available in the Member password protected section of this website.
Regular fitness activities will take a break for July and August though the facility can still be ussed provided there are 2 or more members present.
Posted: Saturday, June 16, 2018