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More Events in August

Wednesday, August 28 - An invitation to members.  Peggy, Sabrina and David invited you to D'Arcy for a wiener roast. 12 noon.

The picnic at the Perfitt's home in D'Arcy is coming up on Weds. 28th. We will be having a Weiner roast on the beach and have the chance to visit Peggy's garden. Don't forget your sunscreen and hat and if you would like to contribute a salad or baked goods that would be great (nothing that could spoil in the heat). The BBQ will be ready around noon. Peggy says you are welcome to come earlier and stay as long as you like. 
Driving directions - follow the road through Mt. Currie past Gates Lake and continue to D'Arcy. Turn right to drive down passed the docks on Anderson Lake and the Perfitt's is the last house on the left.
Please let me know if you need to have a ride or have room to take passengers in your car.  I will do my best to coordinate the trip.  It would be helpful to let me know who plans to come so I can give Peggy an idea of numbers. 

Friday, August 30 - Special General Meeting at The Rec @ 11:00 a.m. Along with a vote on a couple of new by laws there will be an opportunity to plan fall activities and share ideas for new programs.  Also to catch up on things that happened over the summer.  Followed by Lunch Drop In.

Posted: Tuesday, August 20, 2019