Summer Updates
July activities included a joint Men's Shed/Seniors Picnic at Rudy's Airport Park. We had an excellent turn out of 40 odd including country music entertainment from the music group. We welcome members from Whistler and other outlying areas. PVS provided the cold cuts and cheese plates and with so many other food dishes contributed there was sufficient to hold a drop in Lunch the following Friday at The Rec.
Our Diners Club at the Black Squirrel Restaurant was also well
supported and the opportunity to order from three differently
priced set choices was well received. Kevin gave us a special
price and PVS picked up the minor overage to include tips and
tax. The painting group has continued meeting through July
and some of August; they especially enjoyed an afternoon sketching
and learning how to add colour to their illustrations at the golf
course following lunch.
Many of us participated in community events such as Toonie Tuesday
Tea and Tales at the Museum and Art in the Garden. We also
supported the fund raiser for Pearl's Place at the Young's Garden
Afternoon Tea. We could also count on meeting friends at the
Friday Farmers Market
Recently we were invited to Helmer's Farm to enjoy a picnic surrounded by organically grown flowers and vegetables. Thanks Jeanette and Doug for hosting us and to everyone who brought delicious pot luck dishes to share. The smoke had cleared and the scenery was beautiful.
We are thankful to Stewardship Pemberton for donating some of the fruit they have been picking as part of their bear aware program. Volunteers from PVS packaged and delivered cherries and plums to residents at The Villas which were very well received.
We are looking forward to a full calendar in September which will include a wiener roast on the beach in D'arcy, thanks to Peggy. As well, we will return to our Fitness Program immediately after Labour Day. We have made arrangements to use The Rec on Fridays between 10:30 and 2:30 pm. for a Drop In program. Members will be able to plan games days, brown bag lunches, movie viewing and we will have visiting speakers. We will be looking for different members to take turns in hosting by volunteering to open up and make the coffee.
Posted: Tuesday, August 22, 2017