UPDATED on Feb. 1st. February Activities & March preview
Tuesday February 4th
Have a laugh, socialise and win prizes during this fun game of
Bingo at 12pm on Tuesday February 4th in The REC. Free tea, coffee
and cake provided.
Friday February 7th & 21st
50+ Singers
Join the 50+ Singers in preparation for the upcoming holidays.
Practice will commence at 1pm on the first and third Friday of the
month at The REC. All abilities and spectators welcome. No
registration required.
Tuesday February 11th
Film & Taco Tuesday
Attend the viewing of a short film featuring Derek and Judith's
trip in Western Australia. The film will start at 12pm on Tuesday
February 11th in The REC and will be followed by a Taco luncheon.
Vegan and gluten free option will be provided. No registration
required. This event is open to all 50+ community members and is
free of charge.
Valentine's Day, Tuesday, Feb. 14 PVSS AGM with light lunch to follow. All members encouraged to attend to vote at the meeting and for the new board. Please contact Judy, Christine or Irma if you wish to nominate someone for a position ont he board or volunteer yourself. All positions open to election following the meeting. Link to Nomination Form
The board recommends tha Annual Dues remain the same, ($20). They may be mailed to the treasurer or given to a board members at any PVS to an activity
Tuesday - Feb
18th -
Short Film: Odysseo by Cavalia
Attend the viewing of a short film featuring an inside look at
Odysseo by Cavalia - a visually breathtaking performance that
includes talented horses and acrobats. The film will start at 12pm
on Tuesday February 18th in The REC. This event is open to all 50+
community members and is free of charge. No registration
Friday, Feb. 28 - Karaoke @ The Rec Come to sing or just to listen, all are welcome.
Wednesday, Feb. 29. Pot Luck - $2.00 drop in (helps pay for Legion donation) Main dish will be supplied but please bring a side dish to dessert to share.
Tentative: 50+ workshops yet to be confirmed
Join us at 3pm on the following Wednesdays in the Community Centre
for a set of workshops open to all 50+ community members. Details
are yet to be finalised - stay tuned for more
Wednesday February 19th: Beeswax wraps and Tawashi
Wednesday March 4th: Needle Felting
Wednesday March 18th: Natural Products - Toothpaste, Lip Balm and
Hand Cream
Saturday, March 14 - Shen Yun at Queen Elizabeth Theatre - this is
highly subsidized - Members must have paid 2020 dues $20. Sign up
at the Community Centre - $100.00
Posted: Saturday, February 01, 2020