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March 19 Additional Updates

We are grateful to the following Community members/organizations offering assistance (shopping, dog walking etc). if you feel uncomfortable or unsure about what to ask for , please  contact Marnie & she will try to help you connect with the volunteers.  If you know anyone in the Whistler area Erika Durlacher and Whistler Rotary are there for them  604 932 1924.

Robert Meilleur, Vice President  Lions Club 604 935 2007 or 
James Linklater (contact for Rotary club)
Andrea Zimmering. Meditation leader
Fran Cuthbert (604) 698-8199.
Lisa Corcoran 604 902 9227
Karen Tomlinson 604) 894-5626.
Kirsten McLeod, Gen. Mgr. Pemberton Valley Supermarket  cell: (604) 905-8820
In addition Maddy Hepner (our coordinator at the Community Centre) has sent this supportive message to you all:
Wishing everyone well and hoping you all get some rest, sun and/or family time.
Please contact me via email at if you have any questions or require any assistance. Nothing is too big or too small. Whether it is help finding care, information around financial support, grocery delivery or suggestions of activities that you can partake in at home please do not hesitate to ask. I may not have all the answers, but will try my best to assist however I can!
Look after yourselves and most importantly ask for help when needed.
Thinking of you all,

Message from Emma, Library Director

The Library is also undergoing a deep clean of all surfaces.  I am currently trying to develop a plan for the safe return and processing of materials going forward but for now, we are not accepting returns.
For those who are tech savy, there are eBooks and other online resources but if you know of anyone in need that we could be helping please let Emma know.  They can leave a voicemail at 604-894-6916 or email <>  and I will do whatever I can to assist.

Click on link from Vancouver Coastal Health, for bulletin sent directly to our seniors email address:

Posted: Thursday, March 19, 2020