SCAMS & FRAUDS - CRA info. & Other Community Information.
1. CRA publication on
what to expect if you receive a phone call claiming to be from CRA.
Apologies that the printing is so small and pale, it prints up
2. VCH
-April 1 Update Includes information about BCHydro price
reduction and 3 month credit for those who lost their jobs or had
wages reduced as a result of CoVid-19.
3. Video Link on how to make a
simple face shield; the simpliest one is at the top of the list.
The following link is to prototype using materials you may
already have in your homes. You Tube
4. Library Updates see below.
COVID-19 Library
Please be advised that the physical
Library space continues to be closed to the public. However, staff
is still available to help with your questions and concerns. Please
send us an email if you need help with anything library-related
And, of course, all of our
online resources are still available to you to
use! |
New info and procedures currently in place
to be aware of:
- Returns: In order to manage returns for the large
number of items currently in circulation, and to facilitate
quarantining items upon return, we will only be opening our drop
box once per week. Every
Monday, between 9am - 5pm the box will be
accessible for you to return your library items. It will then be
closed again and all returned items will be quarantined for at
least 7 days.
- Return Dates: Due to the reduced availability of the
drop box for returning items, all items that are currently checked
out have been automatically renewed until May 1st. Please hold on
to your checked out items until that time, or you are welcome to
return them in the drop box when it is open on Mondays.
- Tax Return Help: Due to current physical restrictions,
this program has been cancelled for the time being. We are looking
into options to potentially restart the program in a different
format, but it remains to be seen if that will be feasible. We will
post updates as they become available.
- Given the rapidly shifting
global situation, we are adapting our procedures
regularly. The best way
to find the most up-to-date information is to follow our Facebook
page, which can be found here. Even if you do not have a Facebook
account you are still able to see posts if you visit the page. If
you have any questions or concerns, please email us
at or call 604-894-6916 and
leave a message. Staff are still actively working
behind the scenes to continue to support our patrons and
Posted: Thursday, April 02, 2020
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