Flower lovers and gardeners- information/order forms
1. Annual Rotary Flower basket fundraiser. I love this project and
always participate (I'm spoiling myself and ordering an extra
basket this year as I am suffering from "flower withdrawal").
Remember to send in your order to Steve Hitchin before April 22nd
so that our local nursery can start planting.
2. Lion's club generous offer of seasonal fresh veggies to be
delivered weekly to seniors. If you haven't already signed up for
this great offer I urge you to do so now. Seedlings are
sprouting in the green house and will soon be ready for planting in
the irrigated plot Paul Selina has offered to the program. Katie is
also looking for "gardeners" to nurture tomato seedlings. Give her
a call to sign up for seasonal free weekly veggie delivery and if
you would like to adopt a "tomato" seedling(s). I plan to try my
hand (which lacks two green thumbs) of growing a couple of plants
on my deck. A risky business as I am no natural
3. Have you heard of the "Seed Library" that is an
innovative program that you could take advantage of at this trying
time. Contact: https://pemberton.bc.libraries.coop
4. Here is a site I found helpful for wanna be patio
gardeners like me.
Posted: Monday, April 06, 2020