September Update #3
The flu vaccine clinics will be held in the Community centre. Caprii Doucet (health clinic RN) is coordinating the clinics and has informed us that the first clinic will be reserved for seniors (as in the past). They will be offering several mass flu clinics in Pemberton starting at the end of October, by appoint only to manage social distancing. The clinics will be staffed with 4 nurses and 4 receptionists. Final details will be released ASAP. [Details on how to make an appointment will be published as soon as they are available.]
It will be critical for people in our age group to receive the vaccine this year. The website below has up to date information about the flu vaccine and the importance to receive it in this time of COVID.
2. At the Mayor's recent task force meeting they resolved to reach out to all community groups to encourage their members to sign up for Pemberton Alert in case of flooding this fall.
Pemberton Alert is an emergency notification system that enables the Village of Pemberton to communicate important information quickly in the event of emergencies. Register today and you'll have up-to-date information you need during an emergency.
When an emergency occurs, telephone, text or email messages will be sent to all registered contacts in the impacted area. The system enables us to provide critical information in a variety of situations, such as severe weather, wildfire, flood, debris flows, unexpected road closures, and any other emergency events that could impact you, your family and your community.
note: It takes a few minutes to complete the
contact infomration but you can still register, even if you can't
include every last detail... I would recommend that, before logging
in, you confirm with someone local and someone out of the area to
ask if you can use them as your emergency contacts so you have
their permission and current information; also gather your health
records if appropriate, and you'll be set to log in a
Posted: Saturday, September 26, 2020